About Restoration

Restoration is a department of RestoringTouch, a Non-Profit Organization based in Riverside, CA. Restoration is involved in projects that benefit the Hopi and other Pueblo tribes. We take a participatory role by coming alongside the traditional villages and its leaders, helping them to accomplish their goals and objectives.
Here are a few of the ways we have assisted the Hopi people...
We lend a helping hand to the elderly in traditional villages through our Adopt an Elder Program. Because of generous contributions we are able to assist the elderly with food, coal or propane, personal solar lights and other basic necessities.
- Click here to read more
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Village Events
During the summer Restoration sponsors Family Fun Night for the entire tribe or smaller events for the individual villages. We also sponsor winter activities held in the traditional villages for the young and elderly.
- Click here to see a slide show of past events
We focus on projects that benefit the tribe and take a participatory role by coming alongside the traditional villages and its leaders. We provide funds and labor to repair homes for the elderly and for those who genuinely do not have financial means to better their living conditions. Listed are a few of the projects:
- Rebuilt a portion of the Bear Clan House in Sipaulovi and other clan houses in traditional Hopi villages.
- Assisted with restoring village community buildings, a visitor center and other community buildings.
- Made improvements to several homes for elderly and widowed.
- Restored a full basketball court for two villages.
- And much more!
Other Activities
We have also assisted the tribe with the Mobile Library, Head Start, Elderly Services, Special Needs and the Hopi Cancer Fund.
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. — Mother Teresa